St Gabriel’s Community Pantry

Bridgnorth St Markets

St Gabriel’s Ladies Fellowship


Reaching out to the wider community of Carindale, Belmont and Carina, the parish provide pantry needs for anyone who needs assistance. The pantry is open Wednesdays from 10am-12noon and by appointment. Please contact the office for support:  Phone: 3398 8069 or 0406009235

St Gabriel’s hold a market once a month on the 3rd Saturday 7am -11am for enquiries about having a stall please contact Ken: 0452464152

The Ladies Fellowship Prayer:

Teach us, O Gracious Lord, to begin our works with reverence, to go in obedience, and finish them with love, and then to wait patiently in hope, and cheerful countenance to look to you, whose promises are faithful and rewards infinite, through Jesus Christ our Lord.  Amen

St Gabriel’s Fellowship is an integral part of St Gabriel’s Anglican Parish. It meets informally every Wednesday following the 9:15 am Holy Communion Service in the Undercroft of the church. The Ladies Fellowship enjoys and engages with a variety of topics, programmes and endeavours to reach out to others in the community through social activities. Through fundraising the Fellowship contributes to parish needs, as well as the wider work of the church.

Members come together and encourage and care for each other.

For further information please contact the Parish office Phone: 3398 8069 or 0406009235

Kids Hope Australia


St Gabriel’s is a partner with Kids Hope Australia through the Belmont State School, working with teachers to mentor young people at difficult times in their lives, and being a regular presence of encouragement in a one-on-one environment. The program, whilst it has made a huge difference in the lives of the children, has been a greatly rewarding exercise for our parishioners who volunteer to be mentors.

Kids Hope is Australia’s largest early intervention, school-based mentoring program for children experiencing vulnerability. Since 2004, Kids Hope has impacted thousands of children who, through care and support, have seen their lives transformed and now experience increased confidence, resilience, and joy.

The powerful one-to-one model positively impacts children as emotional and social development needs are met, and learning capacity enhanced. High-quality training, structures and child-safe processes have flow-on benefits to mentors, classrooms, schools, families, and communities.

The model is simple… One Child, One Mentor, One Hour a week. The impact… Immeasurable!

If you would like more information please contact the Parish office Phone: 3398 8069 or 0406009235

Holy Hermits Online


St Gabriel’s is in partnership with Holy Hermits Online (HHO).

HHO is an ecumenical community making space for gathering and worshipping God online!

Holy Hermits Online offers people a place to gather, and worship. It hopes to outreach to people who don't currently have access to Church community for whatever reason, especially in those times of isolation due to illness or restricted mobility. The Body of Christ is made up of many parts, all offering different threads to the tapestry that makes the Church. The thread that Holy Hermits add is a purely online community experience accessible to everyone, everywhere. All are welcome both for short and long term community engagement.
